Sunday, July 22, 2012

42 - Break the Recipe Rule Book

"Hi Auntie, can we do some 'Dangerous Things' today?"

That's how the 'Breaking the Recipe Rule Book' entry got started. One of the first things Gavin and Sam decided to make was 'tea'. Out in the backyard they chose some leaves from my herb garden and some other things they know to be edible from the lawn - clover & dandelion. When they found out the I owned a mortar & pestle, they were thrilled. They also chose to use some spices from my cabinets and the concocting began.

Gavin chose a tea ball and Sam the boil and strain method. Both teas were creative and tasty.

They followed the directions in the book of collecting ingredients and preparing the pan. It was interesting to hear them negotiating what would go into their 'cake'. I was merely a spectator and photographer. They agreed that flour, milk, oil and eggs were necessary. Then the 'big idea' came to them - a S'mores cake - so chocolate chips, marshmallows and crumbled graham crackers were added. They also both agree that baking soda was necessary although neither of them could articulate why. They discussed measurements and amounts.

It was totally edible, fairly spongy, and very sugary! Recipes rules were definately broken - several times I wanted to tell them that they would need some salt or that is waaaayyyy too much vanilla - but that would have ruined the exercise.

Dangerous? These kids are competant at loading stuff into the oven, so I think it was pretty safe. I will admit that tasting it required some bravery from the rest of us. You will definately get mom (or dad) points for giving your kids free reign of the kitchen for a little adventure in cooking.

“The only real stumbling block is fear of failure.
In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude.” 
Julia Child

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