Sunday, November 6, 2011

Market Day, Soccer & The Greatest Fort, Ever!

Homeschool soccer is *always* a good time. A great park full of kids and stellar weather to boot. Most kids come to play soccer and some come to watch and play with friends. It's all good at homeschool soccer.

This week was Market Day. The kids bring their wares to sell. We ended up selling stuff only to turn around and buy someone else's treaures - I think that's what Market Day is for. There were custom buttons, homemade baked goods, origami, candles and various handmade jewelry.

By far, the best part of the day was The Awesome Fort. I will do my best to convey what was so incredible about watching the kids build this circular work of art.

It began with kids dragging *huge* fallen limbs over vast distances into a central location. I believe from start to finish there was about 2 hours worth of work done.

There was alot of planning and hashing out of plans. There were definately leaders that emerged and busy workers.

No adults got involved. No one told them a 'better' way of doing things. Little kids worked, big kids worked. Boys & girls worked together. Polite orders were given and reponded to with cheerful 'okays'. Knives were used safely. Requests for help were met with extra hands. No one poked an eye out. The circle got bigger and higher by the minute. It became clear that this was not work to be interrupted. Several of us waited for an hour (and some of us needed to use the bathroom) because it was clear that it was really important to them. They eventually accomplished the task and took away from it what they were all needing and wanting. You'd have to ask the kids what that was, because all the adults could see was a huge circle of broken branches, but the kids clearly saw something much bigger than that.

1 comment:

  1. thats cool one there you can watch soccer online right on your pc through
