Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Socializing 101

One advantage of homeschooling are the interactions that can take place between kids of varying ages. Often times kids are engaged in the same activity or event with families who have kids ranging from infancy to the teen years. It strikes me that in certain other settings, there are many conversations that might never take place. I don't always know what they talk about, but glad they get the opportunity. Older kids are eager to pass on what they know, and younger ones seem eager to learn. Teaching someone something gives you further mastery of a skill and enhances communication skills - whether it's teaching someone a card game, giving skateboarding tips, or navigating an iPod. These interactions can happen so naturally and more commonly for homeschooled kids. I have also noticed that my boys do not think that "girls have cooties". No one has ever said, "what's she - your *girlfriend*?" No one has ever sang the "K-I-S-S-I-N-G" song when they are sitting alone with a girl. There is a genuine ease among them that I don't know could happen in other settings. Birthday invitations at our house have gone out to 2 year-olds and 18 year-olds for the same party. Boys and girls alike. People often have concerns about "socialization" for homeschoolers. I believe they are at a distinct advantage with less social contraints, seating charts, structure activity and more diversity of age and stage. Each report card that I brought home as a child reported "Janet socializes too much with her friends". I will never have to report that. Carry on, kids!

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